Friday, October 29, 2010

Especially blue yarn....

So... again... I've been making itty bitty side projects and have not worked on my big stuff.... I'm currently working on ANOTHER (Number 4!) Lavalette... this one is going to be donated to my friend Michelle's Daughter's School for a silent auction.  I'm hoping to finish it by this Sunday... but don't hold your breath!

So I've been doing A LOT of work on teaching workshops at AKAN (Abuelita's Knitting and Needlepoint).  Will be putting together a magic loop workshop to make some uber cute pumpkins (Pictures to follow!)  As well as an introduction to fair-isle (EEEK!) as a supplementary course for our less experienced knitters in our Seasonal Knitalong.  I've never taught a colorwork class yet... as my double-knitting class was kind of a bust (nobody signed up...).  I'm hoping the fair-isle class will change that and maybe it'll drum up more interest!  I think I'm going to make a double knitted scarf to get more people excited about it.

Great... another project to distract me....

Alas... my Clapotis... is STILL in the increasing portion.... I haven't dropped a single stitch yet!  Hopefully soon.  I havn't started either of my sweaters... and the long queue of vests, and other projects have gone un-touched yet another month.  I need to get my act together.  I've barely touched my lankakomero mystery knitalong (I still have not finished chart 4!) 

I've been really distracted lately... hopefull I can get out of my knitting funk... I guess I'm having a lot of trouble really just focusing on one project.  I've also started knitting a pair of striped wrist warmers as part of the transitional knitalong for the shop.  These I don't feel so bad about.  I've been wearing the shop samples so much... I've stretched them out a little... LOL...

I've also noticed that all of my projects lately have been BLUE... or have a lot of blue shades in it.   I've become a freakin' monochromatic knitter!  WTF?!  So I've decided that I am no longer allowed to buy yarn in ANY shades of Blue... none... well... at least until I've finished a few of my Queue projects or WIPs.    I'm not allowed to buy any more yarn, period.  ESPECIALLY blue yarn.

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